Local government units (LGUs) just beginning to implement a new septage management program may wish to phase in the program over time. Lime stabilization can be done as a first phase following a disaster and perhaps serve the public and commercial sectors. In the next phase, a municipal or city-wide program to desludge all septic tanks on a regular schedule using treatment technologies besides lime stabilization could be established. Phasing infrastructure should be carefully considered at the beginning since it has impacts on the overall project design and cost.
This manual was created in response to increasing interest in lime stabilization among LGUs that we work with in the Philippines. We hope our experience will give you some ideas on how you can set up a program for your city or municipality as required by national government regulations.
USAID (2015). Implementer’s Guide to Lime Stabilisation for Septage Management in the Philippines Philippines
Faecal sludge treatment processesUrban (entire city)Politicians and local decision makersGuidelines and manualsEnglish