Biological Wastewater Treatment Series Treatment Wetlands Dotro G., Langergraber G., Nivala J., Puigagut J., Stein O.R., Von Sperling, M. (2017)

Treatment wetlands are natural treatment technologies that efficiently treat many different types of polluted water. Treatment wetlands are engineered systems designed to optimise processes found in natural environments and are therefore considered environmentally friendly and sustainable options for wastewater treatment. Compared to other wastewater treatment technologies, treatment wetlands have low operation and maintenance (O&M) requirements and are robust in that performance is less susceptible to input variations. Treatment wetlands can effectively treat raw, primary, secondary or tertiary treated sewage and many types of agricultural and industrial wastewater. This volume focuses on domestic wastewater treatment using treatment wetlands.

The target audience of this volume on treatment wetlands is bachelor students with basic knowledge on biological wastewater treatment, as well as practitioners seeking general information on the use of treatment wetlands.

Bibliographic information

Dotro G., Langergraber G., Nivala J., Puigagut J., Stein O.R., Von Sperling, M. (2017). Biological Wastewater Treatment Series Treatment Wetlands IWA Publishing, London, UK.

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Biological Wastewater Treatment Series

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Biological Wastewater Treatment Series

Published in: 2017
Pages: 172

IWA Publishing, London, UK.

Dotro G., Langergraber G., Nivala J., Puigagut J., Stein O.R., Von Sperling, M.

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