Reflecting the pace of change, since 2016 CaLP has been reviewing, revising and updating the Glossary on
an annual basis. This process (see flowchart below) is coordinated by the CaLP Secretariat and undertaken
through the CaLP Technical Advisory Group (TAG). The TAG is a group of 25 technical experts in the field
of cash and voucher assistance, drawn from CaLP’s membership. Feedback on the glossary from anyone
is welcomed on an ongoing basis, which is used to inform proposed edits and additions. These proposed
changes are put out for formal consultation once a year, after which further revisions are made and put
to the TAG for validation. Following this the updated Glossary is published and the cycle begins again
(feedback – consultation – validation – publication).
CaLP (2019). Glossary of Terminology for Cash and Voucher Assistance The Cash Learning Partnership
Politicians and local decision makersPractitionersGuidelines and manualsEnglish