Sustainable sanitation and the SDGs: interlinkages and opportunities SuSanA (2018)

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development puts sustainability at the forefront of global development. Since 2008, the Sustainable Sanitation Alliance (SuSanA) has been engaged in advocating for sustainability issues in sanitation. This background document describes how sustainable sanitation links to all SDGs and outlines challenges and opportunities this represents. It complements the revised SuSanA Vision Document “Contribution of Sustainable Sanitation to the Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development”.

This document was presented at the 24th SuSanA meeting held in Stockholm, in August 2017. Please refer to the recording of the presentation (see link below, starting time in the video: 1:25:45).
It contains the watermark ‘Working document’ as it is a ‘living’ document - SuSanA members and partners are welcome to suggest amendments and updates.

External Website(s)

SuSanA Vision Document

Video from 24th SuSanA meeting in Stockholm (26 August 2017)

Bibliographic information

SuSanA (2018). Sustainable sanitation and the SDGs: interlinkages and opportunities SuSanA secretariat, Eschborn, Germany

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External links

 SuSanA Vision Document

 Video from 24th SuSanA meeting in Stockholm (26 August 2017)


SuSanA interlinkages and opportunities

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Sustainable sanitation and the SDGs: interlinkages and opportunities

Published in: 2018
Pages: 19

SuSanA secretariat, Eschborn, Germany


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