4-in-1 biogas systems Sanitation aspects & acceptance issues CNSS (2011)

China plays a leading role in the development and dissemination of household biogas technology. One of these technologies is the 4-in-1 biogas system, which has been promoted and implemented in colder regions of China. A survey on the acceptability of 4-in-1 biogas systems in two townships in Liaoning Province was undertaken in July, 2010. The purpose of the survey was to clarify the status of 4-in-1 biogas systems and to learn more about people’s attitude and behavior towards them. The study looks specifically at the economic, social, technical, and environmental aspects of these systems, and discusses the advantages as well as the challenges that the systems currently face.

Bibliographic information

CNSS (2011). 4-in-1 biogas systems Sanitation aspects & acceptance issues China Node for Sustainable Sanitation, Beijing, China

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Renewable energies and climate change (WG3)Biogas systems RuralEnglish


4-in-1 biogas systems

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4-in-1 biogas systems

Published in: 2011
Pages: 0

China Node for Sustainable Sanitation, Beijing, China


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