The 4th International Dry Toilet Conference 2012 Various authors (2012)

The Conference was held in Tampere, Finland on 22 - 24 August 2012. The main theme of the conference was Drivers for ecological dry toilets in urban and rural areas. The topics were the following: 1. CULTURAL, GENDER AND SOCIAL ASPECTS OF DRY TOILETS 1.1 Socio-cultural Influences and Management that Determine Sanitation Facilities Use in the Informal Settlements (Gerryshom Munala) 1.2 Ecological sanitation in urban South Africa: socio-cultural, design and operational challenge of urine Diversion Dry (UDD) toilets and the impact on users' perceptions (Gertrude Matsebe, Amira Osman) 1.3 Community Led Total Sanitation could pave the way for wide spread adoption of dry toilet in environmentally challenged / water scarce areas globally (Kamal Kar) 1.4 Value network design approach for sanitation system in developing countries - Lessons from two Japanese models (Ken Ushijima, Naoyuki Funamizu) 1.5 Interface design of composting toilet to actual application to rural area of Burkina Faso (Kenta Yabui, Ken Ushijima, Ryusei Ito, Naoyuki Funamizu) 1.6 Survey of sanitation conditions in Burkina Faso for design of toilet (Ryusei Ito, Ken Ushijima, Nowaki Hijikata, Naoyuki Funamizu) 1.7 Acceptance of UDDTs in Eastern Europe, Caucasus, and Central Asia (Yuliya Fruman, Anna Samwel, Claudia Wendland, Stefan Deegener) 2. TECHNOLOGICAL OPTIONS AND URBAN APPLICATIONS 2.1 New learning environment for sanitation and wastewater use at Tampere University of Applied Sciences (Eeva-Liisa Viskari, Seija Haapamaeki, Renja Yrjoenen, Hilda Szabo) 2.2 What does it take to convince decision makers in Omaruru, Namibia to scale up urine diversion dehydration "Otji toilets"? (Rahul Ingle, Sonja Berdau, Fritz Kleemann and Peter Arndt) 3. ECONOMY, PROFITABILITY AND MARKETING 3.1 Socio-economic factors affecting the adoption of Ecological Sanitation approach in Benin - (No permission for publishing) (Hector Kpangon) 3.2 Good shit? Household effects of ecological sanitation in Mali (Johan Wikstroem, Jan Pettersson) 4. PRODUCTIVE SANITATION 4.1 Development of System for Waterless Collection of Human Excreta by Application of Lactic Acid Fermentation Process in Terra Preta Sanitation System (Asrat Mindachew Yemaneh, M. Bulbo, H. Factura, C. Buzie, R. Otterpohl) 4.2 Investing in People - "Promoting ECOLOGICAL Sanitation and ORGANIC FERTILIZERS" For Productive Sanitation (food security) and Energy Saving in Vulnerable Communities of Nepal (Chhabi Lal Goudel) 4.3 Human Urine an Alternative to Chemical Fertilizers in Crop Production (Chilkunda Srinivasamurthy) 4.4 Preliminary Study on Urine-Compost Extract as Bio-Liquid Fertiliser for Hydroponics (Krisanavej Songthanasak, C. Klongtroujrok, Y. Swattdipat, S. Sumphunprateep, T. Lawchod) 4.5 Human urine as fertilizer: Feasibility study of use in corn and lettuce cultivation in a university campus in Brazil (Mariana Cardoso Chrispim, Marcelo Antunes Nolasco) 4.6 Effect of human urine application volume in Komatsuna growth - (No permission for publishing) (Moustapha Sene, Nowaki Hijikata, Ken Ushijima, Naoyuki Funamizu) 4.7 A concept for a sustainable sanitation chain based on the semi centralised production of Terra Preta for Moldova (Nadejda Andreev, María García Álvarez, Claudia Wendland, Friedemann Klimek, Mariska Ronteltap, Piet Lens) 4.8 Effect on compost maturity by type of matrix and lime treatment after removal from composting toilet (Natsuru Yamauchi, Nowaki Hijikata, Ken Ushijima, Naoyuki Funamizu) 4.9 Design of vegetable garden for income estimation toward to agro-sanitation business model, a case study in Burkina Faso (Nowaki Hijikata, Ken Ushijima, Ryusei Ito, Boukary Sawadogo, Naoyuki Funamizu) 4.10 Environmental Impact of Micropollutants Present in Urine (Sanna Pynnoenen, Tuula Tuhkanen) 4.11 Mineral ammonium ion absorber as a fertilizer (Taina Laiho, G. Murukesan, K. Lehto and O. Eklund) 5. HYGIENE AND HEALTH ASPECTS 5.1 The Effectivity of the Terra Preta Sanitation (TPS) Process in the Elimination of Parasite Eggs in Fecal Matter: A Field Trial of Terra Preta Sanitation in Mindanao, Philippines (Gina S. Itchon, Ana Liza U. Miso, Robert Gensch) 5.2 Hygiene of greywaters (Helvi Heinonen-Tanski, Anna-Maria Veijalainen, Ville Matikka) 5.3 Investigation into determination method of anti-malarial drugs in agricultural soil assumed as human urine reuse (Hideaki Miyai, Nowaki Hijikata, Takashi Kakimoto, Naoyuki Funamizu) 5.4 Changing Attitudes towards Dry Sanitation in Msunduza, Swaziland (Jonna Heikkilae, Jenni Koivisto, Anniina Kirstinae) 5.5 The Survival of Mycobacteria in Pure Human Urine (Pedro O. Orumwense, Eila Torvinen, Helvi Heinonen-Tanski) 5.6 Inactivation mechanism of pathogenic bacteria using lime and ash in composting toilet (Rui Tezuka, Nowaki Hijikata, Shinobu Kazama, Seyram K. Sossou, Naoyuki Funamizu) 5.7 Inactivation mechanisms of pathogenic bacteria in several matrixes during composting process in composting toilet (Seyram K. Sossou, Rui Tezuka, Nowaki Hijikata, Naoyuki Funamizu) 5.8 Experience of Biotoilet Installations in the Frame of the International Finnish Russian Project (Tatjana Regerand, Yu Protasov, A. Kiuru, S. Pakula, R. Kiukas) 6. SUSTAINABILITY AND PROMOTING OF DRY TOILETS 6.1 Gas release and ventilation in a dry toilet - comparison between different models and user rates (Hilda Marta Szabo, Pui Ki Tsang, Eeva-Liisa Viskari) 6.2 Experiences of Urine diverting dry toilets (UDDT) in Arba Minch, Ethiopia (Kinfe Kassa Ayano, Beshah Mogesse Behailu) 6.3 Two Years after Donor Funding Ended: Motivating Factors for Schools to keep their Urine Diverting Dry Toilets (UDDTs) clean and well maintained (Kirsikka Pynnoenen, T. Tuhkanen, W. Osumba, M. Wakala, C. Rieck, E. von Muench) 6.4 Operation and maintanance challenges to promote dry toilet in Nepal: A case of ENPHO EcoSan programme (Rajesh Upadhyay Adhikari, Mahidul Islam, Brac Bangaldesh, Bhushan Tuladhar, Suman kumar Shakya, Kashikant Thakur) 7. OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE OF DRY TOILETS 7.1 Dry toilets can offer a sustainable wastewater treatment system in rural areas (Amani George Rweyendela, Antero Luonsi, Eeva-Liisa Viskari) 7.2 Bringing the ecological back to sanitation - the need for changes in attitudes, practices and policies (Mia O'Neill) 8. SANITATION IN EXTREME CONDITIONS 8.1 Climate change adaptation at local level by implementing urine diverting dry toilets: experiences from western Nepal - (No permission for publishing) (Guneshwar Prasad Mahato) 8.2 Compost-based Sanitation in Post-Earthquake Haiti in Urban and Rural Locations (Joe (Joseph) Jenkins) 8.3 Dry Toilet in urban crisis: the case study of Kabul (Julie Patinet) 8.4 Sustainability and Climate Change aspects of Ecosan Toilet: Nepal prospective (Nam Raj Khatri)

Bibliographic information

Various authors (2012). The 4th International Dry Toilet Conference 2012 DRY TOILET 2012, Tampere, Finland

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Faeces or faecal sludgeGreywater or wastewaterUrineEnglish


1.1 Socio-cultural Influences and Management that Determine Sanitation Facilities Use in the Informal Settlements (G. Munala)

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1.2 Ecological sanitation in urban South Africa.. (G. Matsebe, A. Osman)

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1.3 Community Led Total Sanitation could pave the way for wide spread adoption of dry toilet.. (K. Kar)

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1.4 Value network design approach for sanitation system in developing countries.. (K. Ushijima, N. Funamizu)

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1.5 Interface design of composting toilet to actual application to rural area of Burkina Faso (K. Yabui, K. Ushijima, R. Ito, N. Funamizu)

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1.6 Survey of sanitation conditions in Burkina Faso for design of toilet (R. Ito, K. Ushijima, N. Hijikata, N. Funamizu)

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1.7 Acceptance of UDDTs in Eastern Europe, Caucasus, and Central Asia (Y. Fruman, A. Samwel, C. Wendland, S. Deegener)

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2.1 New learning environment for sanitation and wastewater use at Tampere University.. (E.-L. Viskari, S. Haapamaeki, R. Yrjoenen, H. Szabo)

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2.2 What does it take to convince decision makers in Omaruru, Namibia to scale up urine diversion.. (R. Ingle, S. Berdau, F. Kleemann, P. Arndt)

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3.2 Good shit? Household effects of ecological sanitation in Mali (J. Wikstroem, J. Pettersson)

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4.1 Development of System for Waterless Collection of Human Excreta.. (A. M. Yemaneh, M. Bulbo, H. Factura, C. Buzie, R. Otterpohl)

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4.10 Environmental Impact of Micropollutants Present in Urine (S. Pynnoenen, T. Tuhkanen)

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4.11 Mineral ammonium ion absorber as a fertilizer (T. Laiho, G. Murukesan, K. Lehto and O. Eklund)

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4.2 Investing in People - - "Promoting ecological Sanitation and organic Fertilizers" for Productive Sanitation (food security) and.. (C. Goudel)

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4.3 Human Urine an Alternative to Chemical Fertilizers in Crop Production (C. Srinivasamurthy)

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4.4 Preliminary Study on Urine-Compost Extract as Bio-Liquid.. (K. Songthanasak, C. Klongtroujrok, Y. Swattdipat, S. Sumphunprateep, T. Lawchod)

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4.5 Human urine as fertilizer: Feasibility study of use in corn and lettuce cultivation in university campus in Brazil (M. C. Chrispim, M. A. Nolasco)

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4.7 7 A concept for a sustainable sanitation.. (N. Andreev, M. Álvarez, C. Wendland, F. Klimek, M. Ronteltap, P. Lens

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4.8 Effect on compost maturity by type of matrix and lime.. (N. Yamauchi, N. Hijikata, K. Ushijima, N. Funamizu)

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4.9 Design of vegetable garden for income estimation.. (N. Hijikata, K. Ushijima, R. Ito, B. Sawadogo, N. Funamizu)

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5.1 The Effectivity of the Terra Preta Sanitation (TPS) Process.. (G.S Itchon, A. L. U Miso, R. Gensch)

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5.2 Hygiene of greywaters (H. Heinonen-Tanski, A.-L. Veijalainen, V. Matikka)

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5.3 Investigation into determination method of anti-malarial drugs in agricultural soil.. (H. Miyai, N. Hijikata, T. Kakimoto, N. Funamizu)

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5.4 Changing Attitudes towards Dry Sanitation in Msunduza, Swaziland (J. Heikkilae, J. Koivisto, A. Kirstinae)

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5.5 The Survival of Mycobacteria in Pure Human Urine (P. O. Orumwense, E. Torvinen, H. Heinonen-Tanski)

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5.6 Inactivation mechanism of pathogenic bacteria using lime and ash in composting toilet (R. Tezuka, N. Hijikata, S. Kazama, S. Sossou, N. Funamizu)

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5.7 Inactivation mechanisms of pathogenic bacteria in several matrixes during composting process.. (S. Sossou, R. Tezuka, N. Hijikata, N. Funamizu)

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Size: 1.14 MB


5.8 Experience of Biotoilet Installations.. (T. Regerand, Y. Protasov, A. Kiuru, S. Pakula, R. Kiukas)

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Size: 2.19 MB


6.1 Gas release and ventilation in a dry toilet - comparison between different models and user rates (H. M. Szabo, P. K. Tsang, E.-L. Viskari)

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6.2 Experiences of Urine diverting dry toilets (UDDT) in Arba Minch, Ethiopia (K. K. Ayano, B. M. Behailu)

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Size: 0.12 MB


6.3 Two Years after Donor Funding Ended: Motivating Factors for Schools.. (K. Pynnoenen, T. Tuhkanen, W. Osumba, M. Wakala, C. Rieck, E. von Muench)

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6.4 Operation and maintanance challenges to promote dry toilet in Nepal.. (R. U. Adhikari, M. Islam, B. Bangaldesh, B. Tuladhar, S. Shakya, K. Thakur)

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7.1 Dry toilets can offer a sustainable wastewater treatment system in rural areas (A. G. Rweyendela, A. Luonsi, E.-L. Viskari)

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7.2 Bringing the ecological back to sanitation - the need for changes in attitudes, practices and policies (M. O'Neill)

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8.2 Compost-based Sanitation in Post-Earthquake Haiti in Urban and Rural Locations (J. Jenkins)

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8.3 Dry Toilet in urban crisis: the case study in Kabul (J. Patinet)

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Size: 0.09 MB


8.4 Sustainability and Climate Change aspects of Ecosan Toilet: Nepal prospective (N. R. Khatri)

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Size: 0.03 MB


The 4th International Dry Toilet Conference 2012

Published in: 2012
Pages: 0

DRY TOILET 2012, Tampere, Finland

Various authors

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