Compendium of WASH in Schools Facilities in Emergencies Luff, R. (2012)

The ‘Compendium of WASH in Schools Facilities in Emergencies’ has been prepared as a resource for coordination and management of WASH interventions in emergency preparedness, response and early recovery. The primary audience includes those who are implementing interventions in schools being used as emergency shelter and temporary learning spaces established by governments, non-governmental organizations, the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, or United Nations agencies. Specifications for safe water supplies, hand-washing stations and sanitation facilities are illustrated with diagrams, schematic drawings, photographs and bills of quantities – detailed statements of work, prices and dimensions for construction of the WASH facilities. The purpose of this compendium is to collate knowledge on emergency interventions that deliver WASH-related health benefits while minimizing disruption to education opportunities.

Bibliographic information

Luff, R. (2012). Compendium of WASH in Schools Facilities in Emergencies United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), New York, USA

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Compendium of WASH in Schools

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Compendium of WASH in Schools Facilities in Emergencies

Published in: 2012
Pages: 0

United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), New York, USA

Luff, R.

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