Urban Sanitation Solutions for High-Use, Flooded, and Difficult to Serve Areas Various documents on results from research grant Larsen, A. (2013)

This library entry contains background documents and results for a grant that Andrew Larsen is leading and which is funded by the WSH Program of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation under the Grand Challenges Exploration (GCE) Round 6. Further information and a discussion is available on the SuSanA discussion Forum, see link below. The goal of this project is to design and conduct a small field test in Haiti of a new toilet block system that can be erected as a kit in high-density, difficult to serve communities such as refugee camps. Technical Design: On the technical side, the toilets are built from local lumber using reused vinyl billboard fabric. The fabric is stretched around lumber frames to make an inexpensive, robust and weatherproof toilet cubicle. Then, five cubicles are placed together over a common collection bin, which allows the toilet block to be very stable, even in high winds and torrential downpours. The billboard fabric is also used in the collection bin to form a bag (not shown in the drawing), that keeps all excreta from touching the ground. The stairs of each toilet extend to the ground forming wide support for the overall structure. The toilet block is synergistic, both in its ability to resist overturning, as well as in the use of a common collection system for feces, urine, toilet paper and sugarcane bagasse--a carbon material used to facilitate thermophilic composting of the excreta. This is not currently a urine diverting(UD) design but could be in the future.

External Website(s)

Further information on discussion forum

Bibliographic information

Larsen, A. (2013). Urban Sanitation Solutions for High-Use, Flooded, and Difficult to Serve Areas Various documents on results from research grant Fontes Foundation, Norway

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Composting, vermicomposting (solid waste), composting toiletsFundamental research and engineeringUrban informal settlements (slums)English

External links

 Further information on discussion forum


1 - Urban Sanitation Solutions for High-Use, Flooded, and Difficult to Serve Areas (presentation, Oct. 2012)

Type: application/pdf
Size: 3.09 MB


2 - Short description about the research project (Feb. 2013)

Type: application/pdf
Size: 1.42 MB


Urban Sanitation Solutions for High-Use, Flooded, and Difficult to Serve Areas

Published in: 2013
Pages: 0

Fontes Foundation, Norway

Larsen, A.

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