This library entry contains background documents for a grant that Jeroen Ensink is leading and which is funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
Further information and a discussion is available on the SuSanA discussion Forum, see link below.
and here (regarding black soldier fly research in South Africa):
Short description of the project:
The project assesses the potential of modern biotechnology to deliver effective bio-additives which can accelerate decomposition processes and extend the lifetime of pit latrines. It will also build a sound scientific understanding of the key factors influencing decomposition processes, including the potential of pit design to improve fill rates and longevity. At the same time, research will be undertaken to build a deeper understanding of the current user experience, needs and aspirations of on-site sanitation that can be used to inspire improved, lower cost on-site sanitation options for the poor.
To improve the lives of those with access to poor or insufficient sanitation by (i) delivering deeper knowledge of excreta decomposition, user needs and aspirations, and application of biotechnology and (ii) developing innovative, compelling concepts for non-piped sanitation
To identify scientific advances from a variety of fields that could improve pit latrine performance, for example by accelerating faeces decomposition, or decontaminating faeces
To understand decomposition processes and the influence of on-site sanitation design factors on performance to support bio-additive and/or pit latrine product development.
To assess the current/potential market and understand consumer needs/aspirations for on-site sanitation, so any new products/designs will be adopted and used
To generate new on-site sanitation concepts for further development and commercialization, that may lead to a step change in performance, cost-effectiveness, and user adoption, use and maintenance of on-site sanitation (workstreams 5 and 6)
To create a platform for future research and development based on key insights and potential partnerships to further accelerate improved on-site sanitation for the poor.
Research or implementation partners: Ifakara Health Institute (Tanzania), Sanger Institute (UK), Institute of Environmental Science and Engineering (Hanoi, Vietnam), Glasgow University (UK), Imperial College (UK), LeAF Wageningen (NL), Wageningen University (NL), AgriProtein (SA). Centre for Alternative Technology (UK)
Other researchers involved in the papers for download below:
Gibson, W., Biran, A., Sumpter, C., Trevaskis, H., Furlong, C., Gray, P.
BioCycle work with black soldier flies (larvae) is being done near Cape Town, at the AgriProtein experimental facilities:
Documents available for download below:
1 - Literature review (May 2010)
2 - Poster by Ian Banks from Stockholm World Water Week in 2012 on black soldier fly
3 - Report on progress (Aug. 2012)
4 - Presentation on pit latrine fill; key lessons learnt (Sept. 2012)
5 - Short presentation by Jeroen Ensink for webinar on fundamentals of pit latrines, fill-up rates of pit (Nov. 2013)
6 - Short presentation by Ian Banks for webinar on "When flies are the good guys: can black soldier flies (BSF) efficiently reduce faecal sludge from pit latrines? Research into variations in BSF growth related to the amount of waste reduced" (Feb. 2014)
7 - PhD thesis of Ian Banks: To assess the impact of black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens) larvae on faecal reduction in pit latrines (June 2014)
8 - Presentation on improving decomposition and reducing fill-up in traditional pit-latrines, FSM3 Conference in Hanoi, Jan. 2015 (by Jeroen Ensink, Belen Torondel, Steven Sugden, Viet-Ahn Nuygen & Walter Gibson)
9 - Presentation on assessment of decomposition of feacal sludge in single vault composting toilet, FSM3 Conference in Hanoi, Jan. 2015 (by Viet-Ahn Nuygen, Hong-Anh Do, Jeroen H. J. Ensink)
10 - Presentation on laboratory investigations into solids solubilisation of black water and faecal matter, FSM3 Conference in Hanoi, Jan. 2015 (by Katja Grolle)
11 - Presentation on a solution for improvement of faecal sludge composting process, FSM3 Conference in Hanoi, Jan. 2015 (by Viet-Ahn Nuygen, Hong-Anh Do, Jeroen H. J. Ensink, Toshihiro Nakamiya)
External Website(s)
Further information on discussion forum
Bibliographic information
Ensink, J. et al. (2013).
New concepts for on-site sanitation based on bio-additives and pit design Various documents on results from research grant London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM), London, UK and Bearvalley Ventures, UK
Filter / Tags
Faecal sludge treatment processesFundamental research and engineeringOtherPresentationsEnglish
External links
Further information on discussion forum
1 - Literature review: On-site sanitation waste characteristics
Type: application/pdf
Size: 1.44 MB
2 - Black soldier fly larvae – a sustainable protein source? (poster at Stockholm World Water Week 2012)
Type: application/pdf
Size: 1.9 MB
3 - Progress report of results so far (Aug. 2012)
Type: application/pdf
Size: 0.73 MB
4 - Presentation on pit latrine filling (Sept 2012)
Type: application/pdf
Size: 1.47 MB
5 - Short presentation on fundamentals of pit latrines, fill-up rates of pit (Nov. 2013)
Type: application/pdf
Size: 0.72 MB
6 - Short presentation for webinar on black soldier fly larvae research (Feb. 2014)
Type: application/pdf
Size: 1.78 MB
7 - PhD thesis of Ian Banks: To assess the impact of black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens) larvae on faecal reduction in pit latrines (June 2014)
Type: application/pdf
Size: 6.99 MB
8 - Presentation on improving decomposition and reducing fill-up in traditional pit-latrines, FSM3 Conference in Hanoi, Jan. 2015
Type: application/pdf
Size: 1.06 MB
9 - Presentation on assessment of decomposition of feacal sludge in single vault composting toilet, FSM3 Conference in Hanoi, Jan. 2015
Type: application/pdf
Size: 1.31 MB
10 - Presentation on laboratory investigations into solids solubilisation of black water and faecal matter, FSM3 Conference in Hanoi, Jan. 2015
Type: application/pdf
Size: 0.47 MB
11 - Presentation on a solution for improvement of faecal sludge composting process, FSM3 Conference in Hanoi, Jan. 2015
Type: application/pdf
Size: 1.35 MB
Published in: 2013
Pages: 0
London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM), London, UK and Bearvalley Ventures, UK
Ensink, J. et al.
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