Power auger modification to empty pits: developing a pit extraction auger Various documents on results from research grant de los Reyes, F., Borden, R. C., Rogers, T. (2013)

This library entry contains background documents for a grant that Robert Borden and Francis de los Reyes are leading and which is funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Further information and a discussion is available on the SuSanA discussion Forum, see link below. Goal(s) of the project: The overall objective of the Phase I project was to modify and test a portable, gasoline powered earth auger that can be used to more efficiently and hygienically empty septic tanks, cesspits and latrines. Research or implementation partners: Partners in Development, Pietermaritzburg, South Africa +++++++++++ Documents available for download below: 1 - Presentation on Hygienic Pit Emptying with Low Cost Auger Pump (FSM-2 Conference in Durban, South Africa, Oct. 2012) 2 - GCE Phase I Scientific Report (April 2013) 3 - Short presentation at SEI webinar (29 April 2014) 4 - Presentation on The “Excrevator” Safe and Effective Pit Emptying, FSM3 Conference in Hanoi (January 2015)

External Website(s)

Further information on discussion forum

Bibliographic information

de los Reyes, F., Borden, R. C., Rogers, T. (2013). Power auger modification to empty pits: developing a pit extraction auger Various documents on results from research grant North Carolina State University, USA

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Faecal sludge treatment processesFundamental research and engineeringPeri-urbanEnglish

External links

 Further information on discussion forum


1 - Hygienic Pit Emptying with Low Cost Auger Pump (presentation at FSM2 Conference, 2012)

Type: application/pdf
Size: 0.89 MB


2 - GCE Phase I Scientific Report (April 2013)

Type: application/pdf
Size: 0.52 MB


3 - Short presentation at SEI webinar (29 April 2014)

Type: application/pdf
Size: 1.21 MB


4 - Presentation on The “Excrevator” Safe and Effective Pit Emptying, FSM3 Conference in Hanoi (January 2015)

Type: application/pdf
Size: 1.82 MB


Power auger modification to empty pits: developing a pit extraction auger

Published in: 2013
Pages: 0

North Carolina State University, USA

de los Reyes, F., Borden, R. C., Rogers, T.

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