This library entry contains background documents for a grant that Meera Mehta and Dinesh Mehta are leading and which is funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
Further information and a discussion is available on the SuSanA discussion forum, see link below.
Short description of the project:
Lack of reliable and updated information about operational and financial performance of urban water supply and sanitation services poses a key challenge in improving access to the poor and increasing efficiency of service delivery in India. New investments in urban water and sanitation are made, without proper performance assessment of existing system
The Performance Assessment System (PAS) Project has developed appropriate methods and tools to measure, monitor and improve delivery of water and sanitation in urban India. The Project has three major components of performance measurement, monitoring and improvement. It covers all urban local bodies (ULBs) in Gujarat and Maharashtra. The project team has worked with the state and local governments to institutionalize the performance assessment system (PAS).
In recent years, the project team has focused on sanitation related activities. These include developing measurement systems and indicators for on-site sanitation, preparing and implementing city sanitation plans, developing tools for assessing sanitation improvement actions, and developing mechanisms for financing urban sanitation
The main aim of the proposed project is to develop and test, through implementation in two states in India, a performance assessment system for urban water supply and sanitation. The working hypothesis of this project is that a well performing and sustainable PAS will make service delivery more efficient, equitable and sustainable.
The following documents are available for download:
1 - Presentation on: Urban Sanitation Activities (Oct. 2014)
2 - Presentation on: A Glance at Journey of 5 years (Nov. 2014)
3 - Presentation on Citywide Integrated Fecal Sludge Management, Action points for PPP (ADB National workshop, New Delhi, Oct 10 2014)
4 - Presentation on: Citywide Integrated Fecal Sludge Management services in small towns, India. FSM3 Conference in Hanoi (January 2015)
Further information on discussion forum
Performance Assessment Systems (PAS) for Urban Water Supply and Sanitation
Mehta, M., Mehta, D., Mansuri, A. (2014). Performance Assessment Systems (PAS) for Urban Water Supply and Sanitation Various documents on results from research grant CEPT (Centre for Environmental Planning and Technology), India
Fundamental research and engineeringUrban (entire city)English
Further information on discussion forum
Performance Assessment Systems (PAS) for Urban Water Supply and Sanitation
Type: application/pdf
Size: 4.66 MB
Type: application/pdf
Size: 3.2 MB
Type: application/pdf
Size: 3.5 MB
Type: application/pdf
Size: 3.09 MB
Published in: 2014
Pages: 0
CEPT (Centre for Environmental Planning and Technology), India
Mehta, M., Mehta, D., Mansuri, A.
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Center for Water and Sanitation, CRDF, CEPT University
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