Demonstration of pro-poor market-based solutions for fecal sludge management in urban centers of Southern Bangladesh Various documents on results from research grant Ghosh, N. (2014)

This library entry contains background documents for a grant that Neil Ghosh is leading and which is funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Further Information is also provided in the link below. Short description of the project: This project will develop, test and demonstrate city-wide sanitation service delivery models for the two main types of urban centers in Bangladesh (city corporations and pourashavas, thereby directly improving environmental health and well-being of the population, as well as demonstrating to sector stakeholders: - how integrating FSM business models contributes to achieving city wide service delivery faster - which roles the private sector can play in FSM and how they can be supported, - the effectiveness and efficiency of new technology options (resulting from other BMGF work), - how to ensure that these sanitation solutions are inclusive, benefitting poor households and workers, and not only wealthier neighborhoods Goals: The project will be a success if city-wide, pro-poor, accountable, safe and sustainable fecal sludge management services are demonstrated for the urban context in Bangladesh, showing improvement in the living environment and contributing to the health and well-being of the urban population. Objectives: - Consumer behavior change and demand creation for services - Development of market-based solutions for improved sanitation and sludge emptying services - Strengthening of sanitation governance and enabling environment for services - Improved treatment, disposal and re-use of sludge - Sector learning around fecal sludge management and city-wide service delivery +++++++++++ Documents available for download below: 1 - Presentation about this project at FSM3 Conference in Hanoi (January 2015) 2 - Presentation on financially viable management of vacutug in Khulna city by Community Development Committee, FSM3 Conference in Hanoi (January 2015)

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Bibliographic information

Ghosh, N. (2014). Demonstration of pro-poor market-based solutions for fecal sludge management in urban centers of Southern Bangladesh Various documents on results from research grant SNV USA (Netherlands Development Organization)

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Faecal sludge treatment processesUrban (entire city)Urban informal settlements (slums)English

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1 - Presentation about this project at FSM3 Conference in Hanoi (January 2015)

Type: application/pdf
Size: 1.8 MB


2 - Presentation on Financially Viable Management of Vacutug in Khulna city by Community Development Committee, FSM3 Conference in Hanoi (January 2015)

Type: application/pdf
Size: 3.7 MB


Demonstration of pro-poor market-based solutions for fecal sludge management in urban centers of Southern Bangladesh

Published in: 2014
Pages: 0

SNV USA (Netherlands Development Organization)

Ghosh, N.

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