Determining the effectiveness and mode of operation of CLTS: The DEMO-CLTS study Various documents on results from research grant Various authors (2015)

This library entry contains background documents and results for a grant that Hans-Joachim Mosler is leading and which is funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (further information is also available on the SuSanA discussion forum, see link below). The purpose of this project is to ensure gender mainstreamed effective total sanitation for well-being and to minimize health hazards in rural Bangladesh. Goals and objectives: The study’s overall goal is to improve the behavioral change strategies used to eliminate OD. In the first phase, the elements fostering or constraining the success of CLTS will be identified. In the second phase, a cluster-randomized controlled trial will be conducted to test variations of CLTS with or without these elements; against one another; and against an evidence-based, behavioral change approach (the RANAS Model). +++++++++++ Documents available for download below: 1 - Poster about this project at the FSM3 Conference in Hanoi, Jan. 2015 (by Mosler, H.J., Harter, M.)

External Website(s)

Further information on the discussion forum

Bibliographic information

Various authors (2015). Determining the effectiveness and mode of operation of CLTS: The DEMO-CLTS study Various documents on results from research grant Eawag/Sandec (Swiss Federal Institute for Aquatic Science and Technology)

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Fundamental research and engineeringEnglish

External links

 Further information on the discussion forum


1 - Poster about this project at the FSM3 Conference in Hanoi, Jan. 2015

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Determining the effectiveness and mode of operation of CLTS: The DEMO-CLTS study

Published in: 2015
Pages: 0

Eawag/Sandec (Swiss Federal Institute for Aquatic Science and Technology)

Various authors

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Swiss Federal Institute for Aquatic Science and Technology

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