Further information on discussion forum
CLTS in urbanised areas: is it time to stop tweaking and start targeting?
Realising Nigeria’s sanitation dreams
Various authors (2015). Sustainable total sanitation in Nigeria Various documents on results from research grant WaterAid America Inc.
Fundamental research and engineeringEnglish
Further information on discussion forum
CLTS in urbanised areas: is it time to stop tweaking and start targeting?
A blog which gives an overview of WaterAid's work in Nigeria: How effective is Community-led Total Sanitation? After more than a decade of implementation in Nigeria, new WaterAid research suggests it may be significantly more effective in rural communities than more urbanised settings. Erin Flynn, WaterAid's Research Manager, discusses the findings and their implications for future community sanitation projects.
Realising Nigeria’s sanitation dreams
A blog which gives an overview of WaterAid's work in Nigeria: Nigeria is one of the world’s five biggest contributors to the problem of open defecation, despite ongoing Government efforts. Erin Flynn, WaterAid’s Research Manager, looks at the country’s sanitation problem and whether the sanitation ladder will help Nigeria reach its ambitious targets.
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