Supporting sustainable sanitation improvements in Bihar through supply-side strengthening (3SI) Various documents on results from research grant Various authors (2013)

This library entry contains background documents for a grant that Arunesh Singh and Shankar Narayanan are leading and which is funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Further information is also available on the SuSanA discussion forum, see link below. Short description of the project: In 2012, with funding from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, PSI launched 3SI: Supporting Sustainable Sanitation Improvements in Bihar, India. PSI with support from partners Monitor-Deloitte, PATH and Water For People is taking key steps towards improving sanitation access in Bihar by addressing constraints in supply and demand in order to build sustainable markets for sanitation. Activities include: innovating from existing toilet designs to drive down the cost while still meeting consumer needs and preferences (work led by PATH), building the capacity of local entrepreneurs to run effective toilet businesses, providing both households and businesses access to financing to facilitate investment in sanitation through advocacy with local partners as well as training and support to loan officers to sell sanitation loans, exploring products and services such as pump trucks and tiger worms for the safe removal, transport and treatment of the human waste from both pit latrines and septic tanks and coordinating all of these activities with a variety of sector actors such as government, service providers, producers and finance providers such as local and nation microfinance insitutions (MFIs). Goal(s): Increase access to and use of improved sanitation facilities and services and establish a sustainable, market-based supply chain for sanitation products and services. Objectives: 1) Develop and support sustainable business models for increasing supply of sanitation products and services through the private sector; and, 2) Increase demand for improved sanitation products and services offered by the private sector. +++++++++++ Documents available for download below: 1 - Shah, A., Thathachari, J., Agarwal, R., Karamchandani, A. (2013): Monitor Deloitte. A market led, evidence based , approach to rural sanitation - This paper was published by Monitor-Deloitte who used the PSI project as the foundation of their research

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Bibliographic information

Various authors (2013). Supporting sustainable sanitation improvements in Bihar through supply-side strengthening (3SI) Various documents on results from research grant Population Services International (PSI), USA

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Faecal sludge treatment processesRuralPractitionersEnglish

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 Further information on discussion forum


1 - Shah, A., Thathachari, J., Agarwal, R., Karamchandani, A. (2013): Monitor Deloitte. A market led, evidence based , approach to rural sanitation

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Supporting sustainable sanitation improvements in Bihar through supply-side strengthening (3SI)

Published in: 2013
Pages: 0

Population Services International (PSI), USA

Various authors

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