Building and operating sanitary facilities in refugee accommodation in Germany WASH ePaper, Issue No. 4 (in English, French, German, Spanish) GTO (2015)

The WASH e-paper is an online magazine published at regular intervals in German and English. Each issue takes a closer look at a current key issue in the water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) sector and related areas. It also provides updates on forthcoming national and international events, highlights current publications and projects, and reports on news from the sector. The WASH e-paper is published by the German Toilet Organization in close cooperation with the WASH Network and the Sustainable Sanitation Alliance.

This fourth issue of the WASH e-paper is devoted to sanitary facilities in refugee accommodation in Germany against the background of the current situation in Germany. It is in large part based on an internal guidance document from the German Federal Agency for Technical Relief (THW) drawn up in a close partnership between THW and the German Toilet Organization. The aim of this issue is to provide guidance for everyone currently involved in WASH aspects of setting up, managing and/or maintaining refugee accommodation and to enable them adequately to address cultural specificities and requirements for toilet facilities. We hope you enjoying reading this issue.

Bibliographic information

GTO (2015). Building and operating sanitary facilities in refugee accommodation in Germany WASH ePaper, Issue No. 4 (in English, French, German, Spanish) German Toilet Organization in collaboration with the German WASH Network and the Sustainable Sanitation Alliance (SuSanA), Germany

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Camps (emergency or longer term)EducatorsPractitionersEnglishFrenchSpanishGerman


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WASH ePaper, Issue No. 4 - Building and operating sanitary facilities in refugee accommodation in Germany

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Size: 0.56 MB


Building and operating sanitary facilities in refugee accommodation in Germany

Published in: 2015
Pages: 15

German Toilet Organization in collaboration with the German WASH Network and the Sustainable Sanitation Alliance (SuSanA), Germany


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