Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) helminth tests (Ascaris, Trichuris and Taenia) PRG (2015)

This document describes the standard operations procedures (SOP) for helminths test (Ascaris, Trichuris and Taenia). Scope and field of application: The prevalence of helminth infections in people living with basic water and sanitation in third-world countries like most of those in Africa is generally high. Due to the extreme hardiness of the eggs of the roundworm, Ascaris lumbricoides, they are used in the sanitation field as a “marker for the safe re-use of human waste”. Other commonly found helminths are Trichuris trichiura, Taenia sp. and in areas with very sandy soils, hookworm sp. It is generally accepted that if any of the various waste treatments used are successful in inactivating Ascaris eggs, then all harmful bacteria and viruses should also be killed. Furthermore the document includes principals of laborartory testing, storage of samples, instructions about laboratory safety, apparatus, reagents and procedures. Reviewed by C. Archer, 4 June 2015

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PRG (2015). Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) helminth tests (Ascaris, Trichuris and Taenia) Pollution Research Group, University of Kwazulu-Natal, Durban, South Africa

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Pollution Research Group (2015). Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for helminths

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Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) helminth tests (Ascaris, Trichuris and Taenia)

Published in: 2015
Pages: 5

Pollution Research Group, University of Kwazulu-Natal, Durban, South Africa


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