Barwar is a town and a Nagar Panchayat in Lakhimpur Kheri District in the state of Uttar Pradesh It is a crowded town situated near Shahjanhanpur. The Gomti river flows through the town. The town is divided into 11 wards.
As per Census 2011, Barwar has a population of 14,196 residing in 1,229 households. The population of the city as per Swachh Survekshan (Country wide annual ranking mechanism for cities with respect to sanitation) conducted in 2019 and Service Level Benchmark ,2019 for 14th finanace Commission are 16,510 corresponding to 1,368 households. This population is used for preparation of SFD. The urban local body governing the town is Barwar Nagar Panchayat (BNP). BNP has an administrative area of 4.54 which is divided into 11 wards. The density of the city is 4,594 people per which is high in comparison to state density of 828 people per
Kumar, N. (2020). SFD Lite Report - Barwar, India Centre for Science and Environment
Politicians and local decision makersPractitionersCase studies in SuSanA templateEnglishSFD Report
Published in: 2020
Pages: 7
Centre for Science and Environment
Kumar, N.
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