Mithila Bihari is located in the Dhanusha district of Nepal (Madhesh Province). The municipality covers an area of about 27 kilometres and is situated at an altitude of 87 metres above sea level. The municipality was restructured in 2017 by merging six Village Development Committees (VDCs), which are Bhuthahi Partewa, Mithileshwar Nikas, Andupatti, Tarapatti, Sirsiya, Mithileshwar Mouwahi, Thera Kachuri, and Kajra Ramoul (Municipality M. B., 2023). The total population of the municipality is 38,273 living in 7,654 households (Statistics, 2021).
Basic sanitation coverage in the municipality is 91.5%. The families without their own toilets defecate in open places or use a neighbour’s toilet. None of the households in the municipality has an offsite sanitation system.
46.3% of the Households (HHs) have a toilet connected to a lined tank with impermeable walls and open bottom, 0.6% to septic tank and 19.1% have constructed a toilet connected to a fully lined tank. HHs with a toilet have constructed a circular containment, specifically, 1.5% have constructed unlined pits, 28.1% have constructed single pits and 4.5% have constructed twin pits.
Overall, the SFD graphic shows that 58% of the excreta generated are safely managed while 43% of the excreta generated are unsafely managed. The safely managed percentage of FS generated by 58% of the population is temporary until the tanks and pits become full and FS from the containment is emptied.
ENPHO (2023). SFD (level 2) Report - Mithila Bihari Municipality, Nepal ENPHO
Politicians and local decision makersPractitionersEnglishSFD Report
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