Rajpur Municipality was established in 2016. The municipality is located in Rautahat District, Madhesh Province. The municipality is divided into nine political wards. The municipality has a total population of 54,083 with 26,574 males and 27,509 females (Census 2021, n.d.). Out of total wards, ward number 1 has the largest population (7,801) while ward number 8 has the least population (4,193). The municipality has a total of 8,078 households.
Basic sanitation coverage in the municipality is 78.28%. Basic sanitation is defined as having access to facilities for the safe disposal of human waste (faeces and urine), as well as having the ability to maintain hygienic conditions, through services such as garbage collection, industrial/hazardous waste management, and wastewater treatment and disposal. The families without toilets defecate in open places, public toilets or use neighbour’s toilet. Among the households having their own toilets, 100% rely on onsite sanitation systems.
The SFD graphic shows that 10% of the excreta generated are safely managed while 90% of the excreta generated are unsafely managed. The safely managed percentage of FS generated by 10% of the population is temporary until the tanks and pits become full and FS from the containment is emptied.
ENPHO (2023). SFD (level 2) Report - Rajpur Municipality, Nepal ENPHO
Politicians and local decision makersPractitionersEnglishSFD Report