Kalihati Municipality is situated within the Kalihati Sub-District (Upazila) in Tangail District (Zila), which is under Dhaka Division. The geographical coordinates of Kalihati are latitudes 24⁰16' N and 24⁰ 25' N and longitudes 89⁰ 85' E and 90⁰ 05' E. Its northern and western boundaries are formed by the upazilas of Bhuapur and Ghatail, the southern and eastern boundaries by the upazilas of Tangail Sadar and Basail, and the western boundary by the upazilas of Belkuchi, Sirajganj Sadar, and Jamuna. Kalihati Paurashava is situated within the Tangail zila, 19 kilometres from the zila shahar, in the northern portion of the Tangail zila. According to the population census in 2011 by the Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS), the population of Kalihati Municipality was 36,604. The urban population growth in Kalihati is 2.1% per year. Considering 10% floating population, such as farmers and traders comes to the city every day, the present (2023) population is estimated to be around 51,669. The household survey results show that majority of the occupation is business (39%), followed by private service (16%) and agriculture (16%) .
The city does not have a dedicated sewerage system and most sanitation systems available in the town are classified as onsite systems (97.7%). The main types of toilet facilities are toilets connected to a water body or to open ground, septic tanks connected to a soak pit, to an open drain, to a water body or to open ground, lined tanks or lined pits, with no outlet or overflow and unlined pits.
The outcome of the SFD graphic shows that only twenty six percent (26%) of the excreta flow is classified as safely managed, and the remaining seventy four percent (74%) is classified as unsafely managed.
CWIS-FSM Support Cell, DPHE (2023). SFD (level 1) Report - Kalihati Municipality, Bangladesh CWIS-FSM Support Cell, DPHE
Politicians and local decision makersPractitionersEnglishSFD Report
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Size: 1.44 MB
Published in: 2023
Pages: 14
CWIS-FSM Support Cell, DPHE
CWIS-FSM Support Cell, DPHE
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