Focus of the project is to learn whether female Local Government members (FLGM), working with women’s groups, can establish effective sanitation improvements at scale.
EPRC is studying whether female Local Government members (FLGMs), working together with Cluster Women’s Groups (CWGs), can effectively promote sanitation, including ownership and use of improved latrines, hand washing and related hygiene practices. The FLGMs are elected reserved seat members of the Union Parishad (Council). Each UP has three FLGM that serve on the 09 members and one chairman body. Government policy stipulates that FLGMs should chair at least one third of the Council’s standing committees which in turn make recommendations for UP Council approval. The knowledge gained hopefully will contribute towards, development of effective sanitation process in Bangladesh as well as other developing countries. Many if not most countries have also been promoting a greater role for local government in sanitation campaigns. Attention to gender issues is often acknowledged as a necessary component, but empirical evidence and practical guidance on how to do this effectively has been lacking.
Capacity developmentRural areasPublic awareness, advocacy and civil society engagement Political processes and institutional aspectsSpecific to one or several countriesEnabling environment and institutional strengtheningSustainable WASH in institutions and gender equality (WG7)Public awareness, advocacy and civil society engagement (WG9)Faecal sludge treatment processesOtherBill & Melinda Gates FoundationRuralJournalistsPractitionersUniversity, education or research institution
Project location