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 The Global Steering Committee (GSC) is chosen by members to lead the transition of SuSanA into a new version, known as SuSanA 2.0, and to manage it on their behalf between elections held every three years. During this time, the GSC serves as the main decision-making and governing body. It is accountable to the members, mainly through the Annual Assembly, for ensuring the effective strategic and financial management of SuSanA 2.0.

Currently, SuSanA is not an organization or legal entity but an informal network hosted by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH in Bonn, Germany.



The GSC is responsible for managing SuSanA 2.0 between elections, making decisions wisely and in the best interest of the members, while respecting the legal and financial obligations of the Host Organization.

The GSC may establish a smaller Executive Committee to handle routine decisions more quickly. This committee will not make major decisions that require the entire GSC’s input and vote. The GSC will define the Executive Committee’s responsibilities, and any decisions made can be reviewed by the full GSC.

GSC positions are voluntary and unpaid, with each member expected to dedicate 3 to 4 hours per month.



The GSC will be composed of elected regional representatives and representatives from the host organization. The regional representatives will be elected by the registered members in each region and will sit for a maximum of two 3-year terms, re-electable once only. The maximum term of office for regional representative is therefore 6 years. The election of the GSC strives for a balanced representation of gender, age and geographic origin, as well as sectoral diversity. Please contact the GSC via This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..



SuSanA is not an organisation or a legal entity, but an informal network of Partners and individual Members. All Partners and Members contribute resources to SuSanA under their own responsibility. If and when to transform SuSanA into a legal entity is a key question to be addressed as part of the change process towards SuSanA 2.0. The role of the GSC described below is to prepare and lead the way to SuSanA 2.0.

Governance Oversight

  • Ensure an agreement with a Host Organisation that ensures members’ ability to govern the strategic direction of SuSanA 2.0 while enabling the Host Organisation to fulfil its legal and fiscal obligations
  • Ensure that all structures of SuSanA 2.0 function in the interests of the alliance’s strategic priorities and within the policies of the Host Organisation
  • Oversee the work and performance of the Head of Secretariat
  • Regularly review risks for SuSanA 2.0

Financial Oversight

  • Ensure and approve long-term resourcing strategies for SuSanA 2.0
  • Approve annual budgets in line with annual work plans
  • Review management accounts regularly through the financial year, and require the Head of Secretariat to adjust work plans as necessary to ensure prudent and efficient use of resources
  • Review and approve annual accounts prepared by the Host Organisation, for presentation to the Annual Assembly

Resource Mobilisation

  • In line with approved long-term resourcing strategies, ensure and actively support the resource-raising activities of the Secretariat
  • Approve and regularly review policies on resources to be raised from members, if any
  • Approve and regularly review policies on income generation from the sale of knowledge products of SuSanA 2.0, if any
  • Approve and regularly review policies on potential sources of grants for SuSanA 2.0
  • Support grant applications by the Secretariat, and SuSanA 2.0’s donor relations, by building on the knowledge on, and relationships with, potential and current grant-makers already held by individual GSC members


Meetings and commitments 

  • Monthly 45-minutes online meeting with the secretariat to exchange on the status quo
  • The equivalent of 1 to 2-hours communication with the other GSC members (meetings/email exchange) to consult and make decisions
  • Annual 1 to 2-hours General Assembly to inform and report on the main decisions taken to the SuSanA members


Current Global Steering Committee (elected October 2022) 

SuSanA Banners 2

  • Sub-Saharan Africa - Prof. Charles Niwagaba (Uganda)
  • Europe & Central Asia - Dorothee Spuhler (Switzerland)
  • Latin America & Caribbean - Carla Liera (Mexico)
  • North America - Kartik Chandran (USA)
  • South Asia - Rohini Pradeep (India)
  • East Asia & Pacific - Gina Itchon (Philippines)
  • Middle East & North Africa - Dr. Arwa Abelhay (Jordan)


The election will be announced by the SuSanA secretariat on the homepage and via e-mail to all active SuSanA members. Voting will be online and ONLY for members that are registered. The vote will be anonymous, meaning SuSanA will only know if someone has voted but SuSanA will not have the information who voted for whom. To cater for all different time zones the election will have 4 voting days. During these days members will be able to vote after logging into their SuSanA account. The login assures that only registered SuSanA members are able to vote.


GSC Meeting Notes 29.01.25.pdf
Type: PDF • Size: 202.74 kB

GSC Meeting Notes 23.11.24.pdf
Type: PDF • Size: 163.11 kB

GSC Meeting Notes 23.10.24.pdf
Type: PDF • Size: 153.81 kB

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