How does it work?
Overall, I have a mixing device within the reactor. This device collects gas bubbles from the lower portion of the tank. At a certain gas volume, the entire amount of the gas is released all together, creating a suction from the tank bottom and mixing the reactor. It uses the lifting power of the biogas bubbles created within the reactor therefore it does not need external power to drive it. Also, it does not have any mechanical moving parts, and all function is accomplished hydraulically. Therefore it is expected to be maintenance-free.
Possible applications:
We intend to use this unit for family use to replace old, large non-mixing digesters, because the old systems are so large that they have to be built on-site with causes lots of issues. Since our self-mixing units are small we can fabricate them in a central location to reduce cost and improve product quality.
Product design and engineeringGlobalTreatment of wastewater or greywaterRenewable energies and climate change (WG3)Biogas systems Fundamental research and engineeringBill & Melinda Gates FoundationEnergy: biogasPrivate sector, including social enterprises
United States
Project location