This project will support the implementation of efficient fecal sludge management systems, the production of by-products made from fecal sludge, and the demonstration of the market viability of these by-products. The project will also allow Sanergy to build an enabling environment in terms of policy and advocacy.
Sanergy began working in Nairobi in November 2011. We design and manufacture low-cost, high-quality sanitation facilities. Developed by our engineers, the Fresh Life Toilet (FLT) is pre-fabricated at our local workshop. Our FLT features qualities users value most:
Market developmentFood security and productive sanitationCommunity sanitationOperation, maintenance and sustainable servicesProduct design and engineeringSpecific to one or several countriesToilets or urinals (user interface)Emptying and transport (non sewered)Treatment of wastewater or greywaterResource recovery Food security and productive sanitation (WG5)Cities (WG6)Public awareness, advocacy and civil society engagement (WG9)Composting, vermicomposting (solid waste), composting toiletsContainer based systems (CBS)Urine diversion dehydration toilets (UDDTs) Bill & Melinda Gates FoundationFaeces or faecal sludgeUrineUrban informal settlements (slums)PractitionersFertiliserProtein for animal food Private sector, including social enterprises
Project location