Aquaya Institute
With support from the Water and Sanitation Program of the World Bank, Aquaya investigated supply chains for improved latrine slabs in rural Tanzania and measured consumer willingness-to-pay for different latrine slab products among 1, 500 randomly selected households in two districts. Forty village-level retailers also participated in the study.
Through its National Sanitation Campaign, Tanzania’s Ministry of Health and Social Welfare is promoting concrete and plastic latrine slabs as a smooth, easily cleaned, and safe opening for pit latrines.
Aquaya assessed the potential for private business operators to increase the availability of these latrine slabs to households as part of the improved sanitation supply chain. This research allows Aquaya and the World Bank to evaluate roles for both the government and the private sector in addressing the need for sanitation solutions.
Market developmentTechnology comparisonsRural areasHealth and hygieneProduct design and engineeringSpecific to one or several countriesToilets or urinals (user interface)RuralUniversity, education or research institution
Tanzania United Republic of
Project location