The project assesses the potential of modern biotechnology to deliver effective bio-additives which can accelerate decomposition processes and extend the lifetime of pit latrines. It will also build a sound scientific understanding of the key factors influencing decomposition processes, including the potential of pit design to improve fill rates and longevity. At the same time, research will be undertaken to build a deeper understanding of the current user experience, needs and aspirations of on-site sanitation that can be used to inspire improved, lower cost on-site sanitation options for the poor.
Technology comparisonsProduct design and engineeringGlobalTreatment of faecal sludgeOtherFaecal sludge treatment processesFundamental research and engineeringOtherBill & Melinda Gates FoundationUniversity, education or research institution
South AfricaTanzania United Republic ofUnited KingdomViet nam
Project location