This Link collection is for practitioners, WASH-club organizers, teachers and everyone who has an interest in achieving an overview of the broad WASH in Schools scene.
The aim of this Link collection is to provide an overview of the various reports, approaches, activities and further research sources about WASH education in schools. A special focus lies on publications with concrete examples and instructions on how to sensitize the school community for school sanitation.
The collection was produced on behalf of the GIZ project “Decentralised Waste Water Management in Host Communities” by the GIZ Sector Programme “Sustainable Sanitation”. It is a “living document” and should be considered more as a starting point than as an exhaustive “complete” collection.
As all collections, it has an individual dimension and has to be adapted by future users for their respective needs.
GIZ (2015). Link Collection WASH in Schools Breaking the taboo around sanitation in school settings- How to increase ownership of pupils and teachers for their school-sanitation infrastructure! Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, Eschborn, Germany
EducatorsPractitionersEnglishGames and activities (adult learning)