CLTS is a new approach in Afghanistan; and all stakeholders should become familiar with how it is implemented. CLTS component has been successfully implemented in various developing nations throughout the world; however, there was an urgent need how to adapt this approach to fit the societal and cultural aspects of in Afghanistan. MRRD is pleased to have this opportunity to develop this manual for CLTS implementation in Afghanistan. This is a brief Manual, written in close coordination with UNICEF and WSG members. This manual has been finalized by the technical expertise of WSG members. This manual has been developed for the use of CLTS facilitators, who implement this approach in the target communities.
This manual provides a comprehensive vision to facilitators in terms of how to select and target the deserved communities, implement CLTS and get the results.
Ministry of Rural Rehabilitation & Development (2012). Implementation Manual For Implementing Community Led Total Sanitation (CLTS) in the Community (For the use of CLTS Master Trainers and Facilitators) Ministry of Rural Rehabilitation & Development, Kabul, Afghanistan
Guidelines and manualsEnglishTrainer manuals (adult learning)