In September 2019, the Government of Nepal declared the country ‘open defecation free’ (ODF). Leading up to this milestone, the Government of Nepal and other sector partners focused on the challenging Terai plains - the ‘last mile’ of Nepal’s Sanitation Campaign. This Case Study documents the key success factors from WSSCC's Global Sanitation Fund programme in Nepal, executed by UN-HABITAT, concentrating on the Terai region. By building local campaign coordination bodies, leveraging local finance, and igniting broad-based movements for improving sanitation and hygiene, sanitation coverage in the Terai accelerated from around 13% to near universal coverage in just over four years, according to data from the Government of Nepal. These insights and lessons are relevant for other behaviour change-based sanitation and hygiene campaigns across Asia and beyond.
WSSCC (2019). Sprinting the Last Mile: Nepal's Sanitation Campaign in the Terai WSSCC
Published in: 2019
Pages: 20
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Water Access and Sanitation Collaborative Council