De-sludging Operators: An Assessment of Occupational Safety in Two Indian Cities Indian Institute for Human Settlements, India (2019)

Safe collection, handling and transport of fecal sludge is an integral part of septage management. Limited attention has been paid to the safe collection, transport, disposal and treatment of human excreta from septic tanks. A study was conducted in two cities in India to understand the current desludging practices, the underlying reasons for current occupational practices and hazards, relevance and sufficiency of personal protection equipment, and suggest ways to improve occupational safety. This report presents the findings of the study along with recommendations which are mapped on the hierarchy of controls.

Bibliographic information

Indian Institute for Human Settlements, India (2019). De-sludging Operators: An Assessment of Occupational Safety in Two Indian Cities Indian Institute for Human Settlements, India

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De-sludging Operators: An Assessment of Occupational Safety in Two Indian Cities

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De-sludging Operators:  An Assessment of  Occupational Safety in Two  Indian Cities

Published in: 2019
Pages: 166

Indian Institute for Human Settlements, India

Indian Institute for Human Settlements, India

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Indian Institute for Human Settlements

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