BFD WASH Projects have focused on vulnerable communities in rural and urban areas,
including IDPs and cholera response. Activities have included, but not limited to, rehabilitation
and support to operation of water pumping systems, maintenance and rehabilitation of
sanitation systems, as solid waste management, environmental cleaning campaigns and
Awareness campaigns on community level and HH level alongside distribution of key WASH
Capacity developmentCapacity developmentRenewable energies and climate changeRenewable energies and climate changeFood security and productive sanitationFood security and productive sanitationRural areasRural areasCommunity sanitationCommunity sanitationEmergency and reconstructionEmergency and reconstructionOperation, maintenance and sustainable servicesOperation, maintenance and sustainable servicesWASH and nutritionWASH and nutritionBehaviour changeBehaviour changeHealth and hygieneHealth and hygieneLocal NGOLocal NGO
Building Foundation For Develoment
Headquarter location