8 case studies about sustainable sanitation projects in Cambodia CAPS (2011)

This pdf file contains the following 8 case studies: 1. Floating Toilets for the Floating Villages in Tonle Sap Lake 2. Floating Community Ecological Sanitation Project on the Tonle Sap Lake 3. Tonle Sap Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Sector Project An ADB-funded Latrine-Building Project in Cambodia 4. Decentralized Wastewater Treatment Systems for the Sovann Komar Orphanage A BORDA-Cambodia DEWATS Project in Cambodia 5. Decentralized Wastewater Treatment Systems for a Commune and Primary School BORDA-Cambodia DEWATS Projects in Cambodia 6. Small-Scale Sludge Treatment System for Daeum Mien – Kandal Province A GRET Sanitation Project in Cambodia 7. Sanitation Marketing for Five Cambodia Provinces A Joint IDE, Lien Aid, & WTO Project in Cambodia 8. Biogas Digesters for Cambodians A Multi-Partner National Biodigester Program in Cambodia

Bibliographic information

CAPS (2011). 8 case studies about sustainable sanitation projects in Cambodia Produced for UNEP with funding by KOICA, Center for Advanced Philippine Studies, Quezon City, Philippines

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8 Cambodia Case Studies

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8 case studies about sustainable sanitation projects in Cambodia

Published in: 2011
Pages: 0

Produced for UNEP with funding by KOICA, Center for Advanced Philippine Studies, Quezon City, Philippines


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