A Sewer Catastrophe Companion - Dry Toilets for Wet Disasters Danielsson M., Lippincott M. (2012)

This guide presents a toilet system that you can do yourself without relying on a coordinated and timely response by someone else. This system served after earthquakes destroyed sanitation systems in Haiti and New Zealand. This guide is for planning ahead and preparing kits, whether for yourself, your household, your apartment building, or your block. This flexible system is built around ubiquitous and freely available 5-gallon buckets.

Based on "A Sewer Catastrophe Companion", PHLUSH created a short and easily understandable Restorative Sanitation display which can be downloaded as a PDF below. Further information on the display can be found at the PHLUSH website (link provided below).

External Website(s)

PHLUSH homepage: Restorative Sanitation Display

PDF - Restorative Sanitation panels

Bibliographic information

Danielsson M., Lippincott M. (2012). A Sewer Catastrophe Companion - Dry Toilets for Wet Disasters PNCA (Pacific Northwest College of Art ) and Portland Bureau of Emergency Management, Portland, Oregon, USA

Filter / Tags

Emergency and reconstruction situations (WG8)Urine diversion dehydration toilets (UDDTs) Urban (entire city)JournalistsPractitionersGuidelines and manualsEnglish

External links

 PHLUSH homepage: Restorative Sanitation Display

 PDF - Restorative Sanitation panels


A Sewer Catastrophe Companion - Dry Toilets for Wet Disasters

Type: application/pdf
Size: 7.31 MB


A Sewer Catastrophe Companion - Dry Toilets for Wet Disasters

Published in: 2012
Pages: 24

PNCA (Pacific Northwest College of Art ) and Portland Bureau of Emergency Management, Portland, Oregon, USA

Danielsson M., Lippincott M.

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