Elimination of open defecation is one of the key components of the Swachh Andhra Mission. In order to achieve open defecation free towns, ensuring adequacy through construction of toilets –individual, community and public toilets and effective operations and maintenance is the strategic approach which the scheme emphasizes. Individual Household Toilet (IHHT) is a major component of the SBM. The aspect of public or community sanitation also assumes greater importance because, in some cases, an IHHT may not be feasible (for example, lack of space for toilet construction), or in situations with a high percentage of floating population (for example, at markets, temples or seasonal fairs).
The guidelines have been drafted to facilitate the administrators in city wide planning for public and community toilets and effective service delivery. The purpose of these guidelines is to assist in the planning, design, mplementation, operation and maintenance of public and community toilets in a step by step manner and through proactive engagement of all relevant stakeholders. They address multiple aspects of public and community toilets including physical planning, design considerations, construction techniques, social dimensions, management and financial considerations.
Swachha Andhra Corporation (SAC (2016). Guidelines for Public and Community Toilets Management By Cities in Andrah Pradesh - SNUSP II GIZ