Nepal Government, Ministry of Education implemented the Letter grading system in SLC.The door of TSLC program is open for those who have appeared 10th grade exam and achieved any GPA and any grade in any subject. Focusing on such students the curriculum of TSLC of 29 months and 15 months has been converted into 18 months.
This is the competency based and market oriented curriculum guide for sanitation which is designed to produce competent skillful sanitation workers equipped with knowledge, skills and attitudes. This curriculum focuses on basic sanitation works so as to contribute in the national streamline of the use of sanitation equipment and repair and maintenance of sanitation devices used in the country. It aims at providing ample opportunities for the employment in the related sector, mainly entrepreneurship development of the graduates as well as in national and international employment market.
CTEVT (2016). Curriculum - Technical School Leaving Certificate Water Supply and Sanitary Engineering (18 months program) Council for Technical Education and Vocational Training, Bhaktapur, Nepal
EnglishSyllabus and course outlines (adult learning)Import to Sanitation Workers Platform