List of SANIRESCH Publications Various Authors (2013)

This library entry consists of articles, papers and presentations of SANIRESCH project. The factsheets are available in each library entry of project components.

FACTSHEETS OF THE PROJECT COMPONENTS Factsheet-Compilation Schröder, S., Winker, M 2012. Research Project SanitaryRecycling Eschborn SANIRESCH, English project factsheets. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, Eschborn, Germany. Factsheets of the different project components: 1) Sanitary and in-house installations Sälzer, H., Ochs, T., Rüster, C. 2012. Project component: sanitary and in-house installations. 2) Plant technology Paris, S., Feicht, M., Schlapp, C., Netter, T. 2012. Project component: plant technology. 3) Operation and monitoring Heynemann, J., Röhricht, M. 2012. Project component: operation and monitoring. 4) Quality of the products / Storage of urine Schürmann, B., Montag, D. 2012. Project component: quality of the products / storage of urine. 5) Agricultural production / Legal situation Arnold, U., Schmidt, J. 2012. Project component: agricultural production / legal situation. 6) Acceptance Romich, M., Schiele, L., Wortmann, C., Arnold, U., Spoth, K. 2012. Project component: acceptance. 7) Economic feasibility Winker, M., Arnold, U., Schröder, E. 2012. Project component: economic feasibility. 8) International adaptability Schröder, E., Winker, M. 2012. Project component: international adaptability. 2013 Winker M. 2013. Sustainable sanitation systems and office buildings - Is this compatible? UmweltMagazin 3, pp. 20-23. 2012 1) Röhricht, M., Hartmann, M., Heynemann, J., Winker, M., Paris, S. 2012. Optimisation of struvite precipitation from urine on bench scale. IWA World Water Congress, Busan, South Korea. 2) Röhricht, M., Hartmann, M., Heynemann, J., Winker, M., Paris, S. 2012. Phosphate recovery from urine by MAP-precipitation. IWA World Water Congress, Santiago de Compostela, Spain. 3) Schürmann B., Everding W., Montag D., Pinnekamp J. 2012. Fate of pharmaceuticals and bacteria in stored urine during precipitiation and drying of struvite. Water Science & Technology 65, pp. 1774-1780. 4) Winker M. 2012. New alternative sanitation systems - GIZ as an example. Workshop "Nachhaltige und Intelligente Gebäude III - Öffentliche Gebäude nachhaltig planen, bauen und betreiben", Umwelttechnologien.NRW, Exzellenz.NRW, Westfälischer Industrieklub, Dortmund, Germany. 5) Winker, M., Schröder, E., Arnold, U., Heynemann, J., Paris, S., Romich, M. F., Schürmann, B. 2012. Decentralised wastewater treatment in an urban setting – Results from a full-scale demonstration project. IWA World Water Congress, Busan, South Korea. 2011 1) Blume S.,Winker M. 2011.Three years of operation of the urine diversion system at GTZ headquarters in Germany:user opinions and maintenance challenges. Water Science & Technology 64, pp. 579-589. 2) HUBER SE. Sucessful start of greywater treatment project. Wastewater separation - research project Saniresch. HUBER Report, FuE HUBER SE, Berching, Deutschland. 3) Paris S. 2011. Separation of wastewater at the source. UmweltMagazin 10/11, pp. 24-25. Schürmann B., Everding W., Montag D., Pinnekamp J. 2011. Fate of pharmaceuticals and bacteria in stored urine during precipitiation and drying of struvite. IWA conference, Amsterdam, Netherlands. 4) Winker M., Paris S., Heynemann J., Montag D. 2011. First implementation results of the urine, brown- and greywater treatment in the GIZ headquaters in Eschborn. fbr-Fachtagung "Wasserautarkes Grundstück", Leipzig, Germany. 5) Winker, M., Paris S., Heynemann J. , Montag D. 2011. Recuperation of phosphorus from urine by precipitation of struvite in an office building in Frankfurt. fbr-wasserspiegel 16, pp. 3-4. 2010 1) Blume, S., Winker, M. 2010. Three years of operation of the urine-diversion system in the GTZ headquqaters in Germany; user opinions and maintenance challenges. IWA Conference Sustainable solutions for small water and wastewater treatment systems, Girona, Spain. 2) Winker, M. 2010. Are pharmaceutical residues in the urine a constraint on the use of urine as fertilizer? Sustainable Sanitation Practice 3, pp. 18-24. 3) Winker, M., Dimova, D., Ritter, K., Otterpohl, R., Clemens, J. 2010. Effect of five pharmaceutical substances contained in urine on the germination of cress and cereal seedlings. IWA Conference Sustainable solutions for small water and wastewater treatment systems, Girona, Spain. 2009 Montag, D., Gethke, K., Everding, W., Pinnekamp, J. 2009. Nutrient and contaminant levels in secondary phosphates. In: GWA Band 217, 42. Essener Tagung für Wasser- und Abfallwirtschaft, J. Pinnekamp (ed.), Institute of Environmental Engineering of the RWTH Aachen, Aachen, Germany. 2008 Werner, C., Panesar, A., Rüd, S. 2008. Ecosan demonstration project at the head-quarters of the gtz, Germany. IWA World Water Conference, Vienna, Austria. 2007 Paris, S., Schlapp, C., Netter, T. 2007. A contribution to sustainable growth by research and development. In: Water supply and sanitation for all. Obligations of the water professionals for our common future. Huber, H., Wilderer, P., Paris, S. (eds.), Hans Huber AG, Berching, Germany.

Bibliographic information

Various Authors (2013). List of SANIRESCH Publications Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, Eschborn, Germany.

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Posters, brochures and flyersPresentationsEnglish


Abstract: Fate of pharmaceuticals and bacteria in stored urine during precipitiation and drying of struvite

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Size: 0.02 MB


Article - Are pharmaceutical residues in the urine a constraint on the use of urine as fertilizer?

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Size: 0.28 MB


Article - First implementation results of the urine, brown- and greywater treatment in the GIZ headquaters in Eschborn (DE)

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Size: 3.29 MB


Article - Recuperation of phosphorus from urine by precipitation of struvite in an office building in Frankfurt (DE)

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Size: 0.19 MB


Article - Three years of operation of the urine diversion system at GTZ headquarters in Germany: user opinions and maintenance challenges

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Size: 0.32 MB


Factsheet Compilation - Research Project SanitaryRecycling Eschborn SANIRESCH

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Size: 5.28 MB


Handout: Fate of pharmaceuticals and bacteria in stored urine during precipitiation and drying of struvite

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Size: 0.76 MB


Paper: A contribution to sustainable growth by research and development. In: Water supply and sanitation for all. Obligations of the water professionals for our common future

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Size: 0.73 MB


Paper: Ecosan demonstration project at the head-quarters of the gtz

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Size: 0.91 MB


Paper: Effect of five pharmaceutical substances contained in urine on the germination of cress and cereal seedlings

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Size: 0.25 MB


Paper: Nutrient and contaminant levels in secondary phosphates

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Size: 0.09 MB


Paper: Three years of operation of the urine-diversion system in the GTZ headquqaters in Germany; user opinions and maintenance challenges

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Size: 0.75 MB


Poster - Decentralised wastewater treatment in an urban setting – Results from a full-scale demonstration project

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Size: 0.56 MB


Poster - Optimisation of struvite precipitation from urine on bench scale

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Size: 0.18 MB


Poster - Phosphate recovery from urine by MAP-precipitation

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Size: 0.17 MB


Presentation - First implementation results of the urine, brown- and greywater treatment in the GIZ headquaters in Eschborn (DE)

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Size: 2.78 MB


Presentation - Workshop "Nachhaltige und Intelligente Gebäude III - Öffentliche Gebäude nachhaltig planen, bauen und betreiben" (DE)

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Size: 2.77 MB


List of SANIRESCH Publications

Published in: 2013
Pages: 0

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, Eschborn, Germany.

Various Authors

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