Appropriate and adequate sanitation solutions are crucial for the protection of human health in emergencies. In recent years there has been an increasing number of sanitation innovations, appropriate for a variety of humanitarian contexts and a stronger sector focus on the entire sanitation service chain (from the toilet via collection and conveyance to the final treatment and safe disposal and/or reuse).
Building on these developments, the Compendium of Sanitation Technologies in Emergencies provides a comprehensive, structured and user-friendly manual and planning guide for sanitation solutions in emergency settings. It compiles a wide range of information on tried and tested technologies in a single document and gives a systematic overview of existing and emerging sanitation technologies.
This publication is primarily a capacity building tool and reference book. In addition, it supports and enables decision making by providing the necessary framework for developing a sanitation system design. It gives concise information on key decision criteria for each technology, facilitating the combination of technologies to come up with full sanitation system solutions. Furthermore this compendium prioritises linking the sanitation technology selection with relevant cross-cutting issues, thereby promoting access to safe sanitation for all.
Gensch, R., Jennings, A., Renggli, S., Reymond, P. (2018). Compendium of Sanitation Technologies in Emergencies 1st Edition German WASH Network (GWN), Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology (Eawag), Global WASH Cluster (GWC) and Sustainable Sanitation Alliance ( SuSanA). Berlin, Germany.
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