This issue of Frontiers of CLTS draws on the experiences of relief and development agencies which have facilitated CLTS in post-emergency and FCAS contexts. Its purpose is to contribute to understanding, and distil learning and guidance around the application of CLTS in these situations. It explores the question: How, when, and in what circumstances can a CLTSstyle process of analysis, action, and collective behaviour change be undertaken? As this question is unpacked through the various case studies and discussion, some of the challenges of the CLTS approach are considered, such as the question of inclusivity amongst particularly vulnerable groups, and the circumstances in which subsidised hardware, or other incentives, may be appropriate.
Greaves, F. (2016). CLTS in Post-Emergency and Fragile States Settings Frontiers of CLTS: Innovations and Insights 9 Brighton: IDS
Camps (emergency or longer term)English