Community-Led Total Sanitation Training Manual UNICEF (2016)

This training manual is meant to provide a guide for Master Trainers/Trainers of CLTS trainers and facilitators at national and sub-national levels. The manual provides step by step approach of conducting CLTS training workshops and can be adapted to suit specific situations based on target audience and their level of involvement in CLTS implementation.

The manual was reviewed and finalized at a stakeholders' meeting involving the National Task Group on Sanitation (NTGS), National Water Resources Institute (NWRI), staff of Department of Water Quality Control and Sanitation of
FMWR, Water Aid, staff from the State Rural Water Supply & Sanitation Agencies, Concern Universal, UNICEF staff and Consultants.

Financial aid from EU, DFID, USAID, AfDB, Water Supply and Sanitation Collaboration Council (WSSCC)/Global Sanitation Fund, Unilever, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

External Website(s)

Community-Led Total Sanitation Training Manual

Bibliographic information

UNICEF (2016). Community-Led Total Sanitation Training Manual UNICEF, New York, USA

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Guidelines and manualsEnglishTrainer manuals (adult learning)

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 Community-Led Total Sanitation Training Manual

Community-Led Total Sanitation Training Manual

Published in: 2016
Pages: 104



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