SDI aims at developing the skills of people living and working in the informal sector for the improvement of technical and entrepreneurial skills in order to increase chances of getting employed or being self-employed and/or expanding their own businesses.
Target Group
Traditional apprentices i.e. young people attached to master craftsperson, Unskilled employees, Micro-entrepreneurs and unemployed youths
This is a short term upgrading informal training programme that runs within a period ranging from one to three weeks (1 – 3 Wks). The tailor-made local training modules are targeted to fill skill gaps.
This programme is implemented through the Service Centre or Facilitaion Units (FU). Training takes place at FU or local community.
The training programme is implemented in collaboration with various partners e.g. Donors, NGOs, and Malawi Govt.
Partners that have worked with TEVETA include: - World Vision International, Malawi Social Action Fund (MASAF), Norwegian Church Aid (NCA), Department for International Development (DFID), GTZ , Malawi Council for the Handicapped (MACOHA) and the like.
Skills Development Initiative (SDI)
TEVETA (2018). Skills Development Initiative (SDI) Technical, Entrepreneurial and Vocational Education and Training Authority (TEVETA), Lilongwe, Malawi
EnglishSyllabus and course outlines (adult learning)