This guide comes as an output of this project providing comprehensive and diverse information on greywater and rainwater harvesting techniques in Jordan and the world. The guide was prepared to meet all needs and to suit all levels. Water studies division’s team at the Royal Scientific Society reviewed hundreds of scientific papers, reports, periodicals and projects related to greywater and rainwater harvesting to address officials, teachers, citizens, farmers, students, and lecturers. This guide is divided into two parts: the first section covers the treatment and reuse of greywater while the second section covers rainwater harvesting. The first section consists of five chapters that discuss the concept of greywater, its treatment methods, quantity, quality and the Jordanian specifications associated with it, as well as a brief discussion of the economic feasibility of the greywater projects in Jordan. On another five chapters, the second section covers the subject of water harvesting including its techniques, benefits, the design of collection tanks and the quality of the collected rainwater.
The Royal Scientific Society (2018). Guideline for greywater treatment and reuse and rainwater harvesting and collection at home- Arabic Version الدليل الارشادي لمعالجة المياه الرمادية واعادة استخدامها The Royal Scientific Society
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