Bongaon city lies in the state of West Bengal, India. It has a population of 108,864 of which the slum population accounts to 37.04% of the total population (data from 2011).
All households are dependent currently on Onsite Sanitation Systems (OSS). The town does not have any treatment facility for FS. 45% FS, which gets emptied, is transported and discharged untreated into solid waste landfill site. Therefore, it can be concluded, excreta of 100% of the population are not managed safely.
Rohilla, S.K., Luthra, B., Yadav, A., Varadharajan, A. (2017). SFD Report - Bongaon, India SFD Promotion Initiative Centre for Science and Environment (CSE), New Delhi, India
EnglishSFD Report