Scheduled emptying services as an entry point for change ISF-UTS and SNV (2019)

Addressing urban sanitation requires a concurrent focus on both infrastructure and service delivery systems. Where on-site sanitation is the main type of sanitation, as in the programme cities, a focus on safe faecal sludge management was required. Regular emptying of on-site containment systems is a key service delivery challenge that provides an entry point for improving urban sanitation programming. This report has summarised the key steps and decisions in developing scheduled emptying programmes in Bangladesh, Indonesia and Nepal as part of SNV’s urban sanitation support programme between 2014 and 2017, yielding the following lessons:

1. Starting with a tangible objective creates an environment for broader change.
2. Experiential learning builds local capacities in new complex areas.
3. Desludging is one of many starting points

The SNV programme ran from 2014 to 2016 in the following cities:
Bangladesh: Khulna city, Kushtia and Jhenaidah municipalities in the Khulna administrative division of Southern Bangladesh;
Indonesia: Kalianda district in the South Lampung Regency of Sumatera; and
Nepal: Birendranagar city in the Surkhet District and Jumla town in Jumla District.

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Bibliographic information

ISF-UTS and SNV (2019). Scheduled emptying services as an entry point for change The Hague: SNV

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Urban informal settlements (slums)English

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Scheduled emptying services as an entry point for change

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Scheduled emptying services as an entry point for change

Published in: 2019
Pages: 40

The Hague: SNV


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