SFD Lite Report - Shankharapur Municipality, Nepal CWIS TA Hub & ENPHO (2019)

Shankharapur Municipality is located in Kathmandu District in Province No. 3 of Nepal. It consists of 13 wards with the total population of 27,202 people residing in 5,607 households. The main sources of drinking water in Shankharapur Municipality are public taps, household bores and wells. Majority of the population are dependent on the public water supply (75%) and remaining 25% of the households are dependent on their own sources such as tap water (bore water) and wells. The most common type of containment used in Shankharapur Municipality are lined tanks with impermeable walls and open bottom, followed by fully lined tanks, lined pits with semi-permeable walls and open bottom with no outlet and overflow, user interface directly connected to open drain, unlined pits, pits (all types), never emptied, abandoned when full but not adequately covered with soil and septic tanks. The emptying frequency widely varies since there is no standard design guidelines for the construction of containments in Shankharapur Municipality. The municipality has got two collection tanks. So, the wastewater is collected in the collection tank and emptied when it gets full with the help of a desludging vehicle. 55% of the excreta generated are safely managed and 45% of the excreta generated are not been safely managed.

Bibliographic information

CWIS TA Hub & ENPHO (2019). SFD Lite Report - Shankharapur Municipality, Nepal City-Wide Inclusive Sanitation Technical Assistance Hub (CWIS TA Hub, South Asia); Environment and Public Health Organization (ENPHO)

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SFD Lite Report - Shankharapur Municipality, Nepal (2019)

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SFD Lite Report - Shankharapur Municipality, Nepal

Published in: 2019
Pages: 8

City-Wide Inclusive Sanitation Technical Assistance Hub (CWIS TA Hub, South Asia); Environment and Public Health Organization (ENPHO)


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