Prayagraj is coined with the name Prayag mean "place of sacrifice or offering". The city was earlier known as Allahabad, Illahabad. The city is the headquarters of Prayagraj district in Uttar Pradesh. The District is part of Central Ganga Plain and lies between Latitude 24° 47’ N & 25°N and Longitude 81°19' E & 82°21'E.
The city is situated at the confluence of three rivers – Ganga, Yamuna and the invisible Saraswati. The meeting point is known as Triveni (or Sangam) and is very sacred to Hindus World famous Maha Kumbh Mela, Kumbh Mela, Ardh Kumbh Mela and Magh Mela take place at Sangam at an interval of 144 years, 12 years, 6 years and annually, respectively. The area under Sangam is not included under Nagar Nigam jurisdictions and is governed by Prayagraj Fair Authority (PFA).
As per the census 2011, the population of the city was 1142751 and total no. of households (HH) was 195259 and was spread across 142, divided into 80 administrative wards. For this study, only area that falls under Nagar Nigam i.e. Municipal boundary is taken into consideration. As per ULB data, the population of the city as of (2018) is 13,12,662 and total no. of households (HH) is 226542 and is spread across 164 divided into 80 administrative wards. For the purpose of SFD preparation, a population of 13,78,295 has been considered which includes 5% floating population.
The average annual rainfall is 934 mm. Climate is sub humid and is characterized by hot summer and pleasant monsoon and cold season. About 90% of rainfall takes place from June to September. Depth of ground water in pre and post monsoon ranges between 3 – 15 metres below ground level (mbgl) and 1.45 – 13 mbgl respectively.
Ansari, S., Ahmed N. (2020). SDF Lite Report - Prayagraj, India Centre for Science and Environment
Politicians and local decision makersPractitionersEnglishSFD Report
Published in: 2020
Pages: 7
Centre for Science and Environment
Ansari, S., Ahmed N.
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