The objective the Compendium is threefold:
1. Expose the Compendium user to a broad range of sanitation systems and innovative technologies;
2. Help the Compendium user understand and work with the system concept, i.e. the process of building a complete system, by iteratively choosing and linking appropriate technologies;
3. Describe and fairly present the technology-specific advantages and disadvantages.
A second, revised edition of the Compendium is linked below, and presents a new range of information on sanitation systems and technologies in one volume.
This document was translated and can be downloaded below in the following versions: French, Spanish, Nepali, Vietnamese, and Korean.
Compendium of Sanitation Systems and Technologies (2nd Revised Edition)
Tilley, Elizabeth et al. (2008). Compendium of Sanitation Systems and Technologies (1st Edition) (in English, French, Korean, Nepali, Spanish and Vietnamese) Eawag/Sandec; Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology , Dübendorf, Switzerland, WSSCC; Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council, Geneva, Switzerland
Capacity development (WG1)Sanitation systems and technology options (WG4)PractitionersEnglishFrenchSpanishOther
Compendium of Sanitation Systems and Technologies (2nd Revised Edition)
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