As a first step toward the goal of clean and sanitised villages, the state has issued the Odisha Rural Sanitation Policy in October 2020 that guides and enables sanitation interventions in rural areas over a ten-year horizon. In operationalising the Policy and in line with the objectives of SBM-G Phase II, Dhenkanal district in the state, with support from UNICEF and the Centre for Policy Research (CPR), is undertaking a one-of-its-kind project to
• formalise urban-rural convergence and coordination mechanisms for utilising urban FSM
systemsto cater to peripheral rural areas
• pilot a greenfield SLWM system for a cluster of Gram Panchayats(GPs) in the district
• demonstrate a district-wide approach to sanitation planning
UNICEF and Centre for Policy Research (2020). Towards a Sustha and Swachha Rural Dhenkanal Institutionalizing Faecal Sludge Management for Achieving ODF Plus UNICEF and Centre for Policy Research
Factsheets and policy briefs