W-SHARP: Linking Climate-Resilient WASH, Social Protection and Food Security to Empower Women in Maharashtra, India UNICEF (2021)

The ‘Women-led Water, Sanitation, Hygiene and Resilient Practices’ (W-SHARP) Project, was designed to increase the resilience of communities threatened by the risk of drought in the Marathwada region of Maharashtra in India. Drought is a significant detriment to Maharashtran communities, with those in Marathwada experiencing more intensive drought periods as of late. The project relied heavily on the participation of women of the Marathwada region, who are singularly the most important facet of this project. Targeted in two administrative units called blocks (Kalamb in Osmanabad district and Deoni in Latur District), this pilot approach has trained 2,000 women farmers on climate-resilient farming and collectively reached out to 10,000 households across 100 villages.

Bibliographic information

UNICEF (2021). W-SHARP: Linking Climate-Resilient WASH, Social Protection and Food Security to Empower Women in Maharashtra, India UNICEF

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EnglishWomen's rights & representation and empowermentGender equalityGender transformative WASH


W-SHARP: Linking Climate-Resilient WASH, Social Protection and Food Security to Empower Women in Maharashtra, India

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W-SHARP: Linking Climate-Resilient WASH, Social Protection and Food Security to Empower Women in Maharashtra, India

Published in: 2021
Pages: 16



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Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH

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