This Guidance Document on Equipment & Workforce Norms for Managing Waterborne Sanitation in India is prepared keeping in view the Safai-mitra Suraksha Challenge, 2021.
All sanitary structures like sewer and septic tanks which manage sewage are susceptible to getting choked at some point of time due to ingress and settling of solids and require regular cleaning or maintenance. Cleaning of sewer and septic tank sometimes require manual entry and if done without personal protective equipment & safety gears leads to injury to the sanitary worker and even death.
To eradicate this heinous act of hazardous cleaning, Govt. of India is adopting multi-pronged approach which includes regulatory and programmatic approaches. This guidance document contains inter-alia, norms for procurement by ULBs in respect of inspection equipments, cleaning equipment, norms for workmen for septic tank & sewer cleaning etc. It also contains norms for specially trained sewer entry professional as well as management of emergency cleaning requirements namely - setting up of Responsible Sanitation Authority and Sanitation Response Unit etc.
Central Public Health and Environmental Engineering Organisation (CPHEEO) (2020). Guidance Document on Equipment & Workforce Norms for Managing Waterborne Sanitation in India Central Public Health and Environmental Engineering Organisation (CPHEEO)
Guidelines and manualsEnglishImport to Sanitation Workers PlatformGood practicesHealth & SafetyGood practicesHealth & Safety
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